We recognize that every successful barter transaction should be a collaboration – a partnership in which all parties share the common goal of maximizing value and work together to achieve it.

Our responsibilities to you include:

  • Understanding your business and your objectives in our transaction
  • Providing hands on senior level experience & expertise in trade credit redemption and asset remarketing
  • Offering insights and guidance to make the barter process simple and transparent

Knowledge is power and we believe the more clients know about mechanics of corporate barter the better their experience will be. We will take the time to fully explain the entire process and clearly articulate a time table and planned procedure for all deliverables.

Our approach is driven by innovation. We are constantly seeking new opportunities for trade credit redemption as well as deploying activation methods that utilize best practices and/or new technology. Our team of knowledgeable experts have the necessary skill to create new and more efficient paths for results.

If your company is considering a corporate barter solution, please contact us for a discreet evaluation and consultation.